1.08 Spotlight
August 19th, 2014 by Dman757 So 1.08 is set is planned to come out later tonight if testing goes well. For those of you who can't wait a few hours we have a beta branch live up on steam which you can find out how to access here.The update is live on steam right now:
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Full Changelog
New Official Maps
We've had a number of requests for new objective maps so for this update we've included 3 brand new objective maps: nmo_Brooklyn, nmo_Cleopas & nmo_Zephyr. Also for those survival mode fans out there we've included the survival map nms_Midwest.
New Characters
We're happy to show the three new additions to the NMRiH character family: Butcher, Badass & Roje! It's been a long time in the making and we still have a few potential characters in the works but those of you who've been following us a while know we run on valvetime.
New Weapon - FN FAL
Even with the large number of other content features we've managed to include a brand new weapon to the game the FN FAL.
New Difficulty Modes
Difficulty modes has been on our todo list for a while. Finally we've got a new "Casual" mode for players who want an easier play experience with Unlimited respawning and faster/improved respawn token system. We only made one small change to the "Classic Mode" survival game type, which is that respawn tokens persist between waves.
New Voice Sets
A very special thanks goes out to Pugman & Chippants of PugmanPlays. They created a two player lets play a little while ago (which you can watch here) and we liked it so much we decided to get in contact with them. Long story short they recorded our two newest voicesets!