Monthly Update - March 24h 2010
March 25th, 2010 by Dman757 IntroductionOh boy it feels good to be back and writing an update again! Quite a bit has happened since our last update, some good and some bad. Rest assured the good definitely outweighs the bad. We also have an audio update as well as the CCCP winners.
Good news is always best right? So to start things off let me introduce our new additions to the team. First off is a level designer by the name of _RC he has already begun working on his map titled nmrih_hospital. Next up is an Animator named Blindside who has joined up to help us get rid of those boring and bland HL:2 animations. Give both of our new team members a warm welcome! Now onto news about our current team members. SSBA has implemented a few features as well as fixing up some bugs. Here are some of the more noteworthy features: Bash damage(only on pistols at the moment), Being able to pick up physics objects with the +USE key, weapon damage and functionality work has been revamped. (still pending testing) Maxx has begun working on a bolt action rifle with a long range scope attachment as well as finishing up a in game model for the walkietalkie. (sorry no image at the moment) DaveOfDefeat has been working various event sounds for picking up/droping various objects be it guns, ammo, objective items, etc. Nay0r has been polishing up his map. (new images below)
Crazymatt has had to go on an indefinite hiatus due to monetary troubles. He is currently looking for a job and a home we wish you the best of luck dude we are rooting for you! Cleric, while playing ultimate frisbee was hit in the face by a rogue frisbee that shattered his tooth, causing a temporary speech impediment. Thus his vocal talents are on hold at the moment.
Approximately 17 minutes in length.
Voice talents of Maxx and Dman757
# 01:00 Intro - small progress recap
# 03:00 Is it possible for maps to tradition from night to day?
# 03:40 Will there be weapon jamming?
# 04:40 Will there be a gamemode where you play marines?
# 05:45 Is there a Russian player model?
# 06:20 A map switch round delay start?
# 07:45 Will characters have unique voices?
# 08:40 Will bloodslplatter infect you
# 10:00 Hand twitch in Alpha gameplay video
# 11:40 Community Creativity Contest & Prizes winners
Map Images: nmrih_broadway
Community Creativity Contest & Prizes
We had large amount of submissions and it was hard to pick the winners. So with out further delay here are the winners!
First Place: Sean Douglas
Additional Entries
Second Place: Adamku5
Third Place (Tie):Claxan & Dehalak
Comrade Merfs Contest Winner: Dehalak
First Bullets fired from Mosin Nagant
We are constantly looking for new blood to join the team though specifically we are looking for a Sound Artist at the moment. So if you have experience we would love to have you on the team.
Requirements for Audio Team Position:
- Skilled (and preferably proficient) with writing out soundscape and other sound file scripts for custom made sounds, as well as weapon sounds/soundscripts.
- Able to produce or attain, then edit, various weapon sounds. We need alot of melee sounds at the moment, mainly swooshes, swinging of melee weapons, and punches. But we are [*]always open to additional content.
- Knowledgeable in terms of editing sound files for tasks such as noise reduction, quality control, proper source engine volume levels, and general audio editing/post processing.
- Knowledge of sample/bit rates, frequencies, and file formats that are used in/most useful in the source engine.
- Access to a LEGALLY usable library of sound recordings, whether it be your own personal library of recordings, or recordings attained through other LEGAL means.
- Anything else you have under your belt, include it in your application under "Other Experience"
- It also wouldn't hurt to include previews of some of your own audio work, whether it be via video or other format.
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